What is Data?
What is Data Communication?
Type of Signal?
- Analogue
- Digital
- Parallel transmission modes
- Data is sent at least one byte at a time, each bit in the byte taking separate path.
- Means that a group of bits is transmitted simultaneously by using separate line for each bit
- Serial transmission modes
- Synchromous
- Asynchronous
- Isochronous
- One Way (Satu hala)
- Example : Tv and Radio
3.Full Duplex
- Two Way (Dua Hala)
- Data are move in two way and can move in the same way in the same time
- Data compression is changes form a big size of file to smaller than the original size
- Example : JPEG. PNG. MP4
What Computer Network?
What Computer Network?
- Group of computer which is connected to the other computer thru network.
- Local Area Network
- Metropolitan Area Network
- Wide Area Network
- Personal Area Network
Network Component
- Hots / End Nodes
- Transmission Media
- Network Electronics Devices
- Software / Application
- Network Architecture Standards & Protocols
- Client/Server
- Many computer to ONE server
- Retrieves file from server : download
- Transfer from client to server : upload
- Peer to Peer network
- One computer to other computer
- No central server
- Study of arrangement of the element of network.
- Type of network topology
- Phyical
- Physicaly
- Type
- Liner Bus
- Consists of central cable to which all devices are connected with a terminator at each end
- Ring
- No terminator
- connected in ring shape
- Star
- All device conncet to one central hub.
- Tree
- Combination of ring, star, and bus
- Mesh
- there is messy lane of computer network
- Logical
- How the systems communicate across the physical topologies
- Type of logical topology
- Shared Media
- can acces whenever we need.
- Toked Based
- Advantage : do not hanve any collison
- Disadvantage : Latency